The Clipboard feature allows users to save results when searching in archival descriptions, including photographs.
At any level in an archival description, the “Clipboard” feature is in the right menu at the top. To add to the clipboard, simply click on the “Add” button. It is also on the main page in the black bar in the right corner - the paperclip icon.
To view a clipboard’s content, go to the top black bar and click on the paperclip icon. Here the user can see how many archival descriptions and authority records have been saved.
A menu will appear that will allow the user to:
• Clear all selections from the clipboard
• Go to clipboard will display all selections saved
• Load a clipboard that has been saved. To save, click on the “Save clipboard”
• Selecting “Save clipboard” gives the user a Clipboard ID. To load a previously saved clipboard, enter the Clipboard ID number
Clipboards will be saved for 30 days after creation.