- 16656.jpg
- Dimensions: 17.8 x 22.4 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, December 3, 1998
3331 Descripción archivística results for Students
- 11248.jpg
- Dimensions: 13.3 x 20 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, February 7, 1997
- 14988.jpg
- Dimensions: 19 x 15.9 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, November 10, 1997
This collection contains records of Institutional Effectiveness. Founded in the late 1930s, the main task of this office was to "organize and conduct research studies to provide information and data, serving as a basis for University decision making..." The bulk of the records here serve that purpose, gathering and presenting information about St. Cloud State students, faculty, curriculum, and facilities.
Series 1: Administrative Records
This series contains annual reports, history of Institutional Effectiveness, and faculty rosters. The faculty rosters are significant as they list biographical information about St. Cloud State faculty, including salary. There are additional faculty rosters in Series 2 on microfiche.
Series 2: Reports
This series has a wide variety of reports, nearly all related to St. Cloud State. Many of the reports are related to students, including enrollment, ACT profiles of incoming freshmen, grade distribution, and faculty-student ratios. Other reports are arranged by topic and are listed individually to facilitate access.
Other significant records include those that give a snapshot of St. Cloud State University. This includes the Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), 1966-1980, to the federal government's Department of Education. HEGIS reported on student enrollment, campus facilities devoted to instruction, finances of the university, and degrees awarded. The summary of academic data, dating from 1982 to 2003, compiled information at the department, college and university level about students and student enrollment, including year, gender and major, faculty and staff, credits generated, and class size.
Microfiche is included in this series, likely reports run from the office's database. By academic term, these records report on student enrollment, faculty, instructional load, courses offered and their history, ethnic and racial background of students, students martial status, and transfers to St. Cloud State.
University Archives does have digital records taken from this office's website but are not included in this finding aid.
Sin título- 14640.jpg
- Dimensions: 14.7 x 5.8 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Ralph Heimdahl Papers
This collection contains the records of Gamma Sigma Sigma, previously called Sigma Theta Chi, and the Story Teller’s Club. Included are three meeting minute books, two treasurer’s books that document some of the group's finances, and correspondence with Isabel Lawrence who organized the Story Teller’s Club. Also included is the club scrapbook which has photos, programs, and newspaper clippings. There are also records pertaining to the name change from Story Teller's Club, to Sigma Theta Chi, to Gamma Sigma Sigma.
Sin títuloThis collection contains the records of the Normal Athletic Club. Included is one meeting minutes book.
Sin títuloThis collection contains the records of St. Cloud Normal Literary Society. Included in the collection are: one book of financial statements, and six books of minutes. Most of the minutes detail new members, elected postiions, resignations, and club program outlines. The programs often included speeches, recitations, debates, solo performances, and readings.
Sin título- 05368.jpg
- Dimensions: 9.8 x 9.7 cm
- Physical Format: Photomechanical print
- Local Identifier: 1953/54 Student Handbook
This series contains academic transcripts of St. Cloud State students who attended the university between the 1870s and 1940.
Information about each student that attended and/or graduated from St. Cloud State University include the classes they attended, the term the class was taken, and the grade received. If the student graduated, a pledge was signed to teach in public schools in Minnesota. The transcript provides information where and when the student taught.
In addition, the transcripts are a wealth of biographical information about the student. Information includes: when and to what class admitted, age when admitted, graduation date, residence, birthplace, high school attended, last school attended, and name, occupation, and nationality of parents.
Sin títuloThis collection contains the records of Sigma Gamma Phi. Included is one meeting minutes book and membership lists.
Sin título- 08306.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.2 cm
- Physical Format: Slides (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Buildings and Spaces. Specific Campus Buildings and Spaces. Miller Center. Exterior
- 16123.jpg
- Dimensions: 1.9 x 3.1 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. UTVS
- 16125.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.1 x 3.1 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. UTVS
- 16368.jpg
- Dimensions: 1.9 x 3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. People. Students 3
- 08606.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.4 cm
- Physical Format: Slides (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Slide collection. Social Activities and Events. Maya Angelou
- 16567.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.1 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. International Studies. Denmark 1
- 16553.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slides. Campus Units and Organizations. International Studies. Denmark 1
- 16541.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cmPhysical Format: Slide (photographs)Local Identifier: Slides. Campus Units and Organizations. Denmark 1
- 16566.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.1 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. International Studies. Denmark 1
- 16623.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.1 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slides (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus units and Organizations. International Studies. Denmark 3
- 16622.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slides (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus units and Organizations. International Studies. Denmark 3
- 16631.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.2 cm
- Physical Format: Slides (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus units and Organizations. International Studies. Denmark 3
- 14673.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. International Studies. England 3
- 16983.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.4 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. Mass Communications
- 13627.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.1 x 3.2 cm
- Physical Format: Slides (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. Skills Center
- 16722.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. University Program Board (UPB) 1
- 16715.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.2 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. University Program Board (UPB) 1
- 16711.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. University Program Board (UPB) 1
- 16720.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.4 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. University Program Board (UPB) 1
- 16727.jpg
- Dimensions: 2 x 3.1 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. University Program Board (UPB) 2
- 16731.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.4 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. University Program Board (UPB) 2
- 16729.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.4 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Slide Collection. Campus Units and Organizations. University Program Board (UPB) 2
- 16903.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.4 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Theatre. Play files. Macbeth (1958)
- 16906.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Theatre. Play files. Macbeth (1958)
- 16913.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.2 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Theatre. Play files. Macbeth (1958)
- 16914.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Theatre. Play files. Macbeth (1958)
- 16916.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.3 cm
- Physical Format: Slide (photographs)
- Local Identifier: Theatre. Play files. Macbeth (1958)
- 04558.jpg
- Dimensions: 8.6 x 12.3 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: CSOLD records. Excellence in Leadership Awards. 1988/89
- 04559.jpg
- Dimensions: 8.6 x 12.3 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: CSOLD records. Excellence in Leadership Awards. 1988/89
- 08168.jpg
- Dimensions: 10 x 15.1 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: CSOLD records. Excellence in Leadership Awards. 1989/90
- 04561.jpg
- Dimensions: 8.7 x 12 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: CSOLD records. Excellence in Leadership Awards. 1989/90
- 04564.jpg
- Dimensions: 19.9 x 25 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: CSOLD records. Excellence in Leadership Awards. 1991/92
- 04565.jpg
- Dimensions: 11.3 x 17.5 cm
- Physical Format: Color photograph
- Local Identifier: CSOLD records. Excellence in Leadership Awards. 1992/93
- 06798.jpg
- Dimensions: 11.2 x 8.7 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: University Communication. Greg Berling bio file
- 15945.jpg
- Dimensions: 8.1 x 12.5 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: University Communications. Chuck Vick bio file
- 16886.jpg
- Dimensions: 16.2 x 10.7 cm
- Physical Format: Black and white photograph
- Local Identifier: University Communications. Gerald Nestel bio file
This collection contains the records of the Associated Women Students (A.W.S.). Included is one meeting minutes book, the club's constitution, yearly handbooks, scrapbooks, photos and clippings, and their history.
Sin título- 05510.jpg
- Dimensions: 27.5 x 20.7 cm
- Physical Format: Photomechanical print
- Local Identifier: Athletic Media Relations. Hockey. Men
This collection contains the records of the Camera Kraft Club. Included is one book of meeting minutes, one photo album, and one club yearbook.
Sin título