- 02581.jpg
- Dimensions: 16.4 x 9.1 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Athletic Media Relations. Van Nelson bio file
- 02582.jpg
- Dimensions: 5.6 x 5.5 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: University Photographer, Misc. 68
Frank Van Heel interviewed by Nick P. Kruchten https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/wpabio/1337
Copied from Collections of the Minnesota Historical Society. Volume 14. Minnesota Biographies, 1655-1912, p. 805 by Tresa Gruber https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/wpabio/1336
Husband David Van Dyke
Husband William Van Diest
Husband Joseph Van Cura
Graduated in 1969 and 1976; Professor of Language and Cultures, 1979-2015+
Husband Arthur Van Alstine
Co-author: Jess L. Fults and L.A. Schaal Appeared in Soil Science Society Proceedings 1948
Richard Berquist
Jim Bouley
- 15234.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.4 x 2.3 cm
- Physical Format: Negatives (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, September 21, 1976
- 15236.jpg
- Dimensions: 21.6 x 13.3 cm
- Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, February 23, 1996
- 03907.jpg
- Dimensions: 2.2 x 3.2 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, April 12, 1985
- 03909.jpg
- Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.1 cm
- Physical Format: Negative (photographic)
- Local Identifier: Chronicle, April 21, 1987
Val's Rapid Serve, David Henning
Husband Russel Valley
Lead: George Gobel Director: Michael Thoma
Communication Disorders faculty
AIDS, Voices that Care, Andrew Novak, Rock Harms, Andrienne Lindstrom, Cindy Sandberg, Melissa Gerads