Alumni & alumnae

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        Alumni & alumnae

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            Alumni & alumnae

              260 Archival description results for Alumni & alumnae

              260 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              123 · Item
              Part of Records of Normalia
              • 00123.jpg
              • Waite Shoemaker, an 1881 graduate of St. Cloud State, served as a faculty member, then president from 1902 to 1916.
              • Dimensions: 12.9 x 8.6 cm
              • Physical Format: Photomechanical print
              • Local Identifier: Normalia Annual Souvenir 1904, p. [4]
              St. Cloud State University
              1670 · Item · 1875-1879
              Part of Records of University Communications
              • 01670.jpg
              • Waite Shoemaker, an 1881 graduate of St. Cloud State, served as a faculty member, then president from 1902 to 1916.
              • Dimensions: 35.7 x 23.3 cm
              • Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
              • Local Identifier: University Communications. Waite Shoemaker bio file
              1273 · Item · 1884?
              Part of Photographic Print Collection
              • 01273.jpg
              • Waite Shoemaker, an 1881 graduate of St. Cloud State, served as a faculty member, then president from 1902 to 1916.
              • Dimensions: 8.1 x 5 cm
              • Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
              • Local Identifier: Photographic Print Collection. Photographic Prints (Oversize). People. Faculty. Individual Portraits, 1884
              1272 · Item · 1884?
              Part of Photographic Print Collection
              • 01272.jpg
              • Thomas Gray served as St. Cloud State s fourth president, 1884 to 1890. Gray, who graduated from St. Cloud State in 1872, was the first alum to serve as president.
              • Dimensions: 8.1 x 5.2 cm
              • Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
              • Local Identifier: Photographic Print Collection. Photographic Prints (Oversize). People. Faculty. Individual Portraits, 1884
              111 · Item · 1884-1890
              Part of Records of University Communications
              • 00111.jpg
              • Thomas Gray served as the fourth St. Cloud State president from 1884 to 1890. Gray, who graduated from St. Cloud State in 1872, was the first alum to serve as president.
              • Dimensions: 6.1 x 4.8 cm
              • Physical Format: Black-and-white photograph
              • Local Identifier: University Communications. Thomas Gray bio file
              Sue Henrikson Papers
              224 · Collection · 1953-1957

              The papers contain two scrapbooks with photos, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, ticket stubs, programs, and memorabilia in regards to the her social life at St. Cloud Teachers College from 1953 to 1957. Materials document a variety of a topics, including freshman orientation camp at Lake Kronos, elected student officials, student dances, celebrity visits (Duke Ellington dance), Henrikson’s class schedule, honor student certificates, letters from home, Al Sirat social fraternity gatherings and events, Minerva Society socials and events, Associated Women Student (AWS) events and members, Religion in Life Week (RIL) committee members, theater, and Choral Club performances.

              Henrikson, Sue
              36 · Collection · 1974-2019

              This collection contains 52 oral histories, nearly all done between the mid 1970s and 1990, featuring St. Cloud State alums, long-time faculty, and top administrators, such as Presidents Budd, Wick, Graham, and McDonald. Done mostly by retired History faculty member Cal Gower, topics discussed in the oral histories include individual experiences and changes at St. Cloud State from the early 20th century, until the 1980s, as well as family background and life before and after time at St. Cloud State. Five additional interviews were done by Tom Steman in 2016, 2017, and 2019.

              Some oral histories contain release forms from the interviewee and are noted.

              Cal Gower conducted the interviews unless where noted.

              The collection is in two series.

              Series 1: Transcripts and other material

              This series contains the final oral history transcripts for each interview, signed release forms, if they existed, as well as other material given by the interviewee (photos, newspaper clippings, ephemera).

              Series 2: Tapes

              This series contains the audio tapes from each oral history, ranging from one cassette tape to two.

              St. Cloud State University
              156 · Collection · 1886-2010

              This collection consists of 44 boxes containing materials authored by current and former St. Cloud State University faculty, staff, and alumni. Materials include, but are not limited to, papers (many of which have been presented at meetings or conferences); studies, reports, and surveys; journal, magazine, and newspaper articles; theses; speeches; poems; and reviews. The primary author's name and affiliation to or position at St. Cloud State University is provided, where known, as are the names and affiliations of co-authors and the citation information for the works. Materials in this collection date from as early as 1886 and include several pieces from administrators and faculty members from the early 20th century. Overall, the majority of the work in the collection was created by faculty members and found publication in journals.

              Ruth A. Thompson Papers
              223 · Collection · 1916-1924

              In a single scrapbook dating from 1916 to 1924, Thompson documents her life.  As recorded in the scrapbook while at St. Cloud State, Thompson participated in various social activities and documents it with associated memorabilia. The scrapbook contains tickets for football games, banquets, and artistic performances she attended not only at St. Cloud State but at other Minnesota colleges such as St. Olaf and Carlton College, and includes programs to these events. The scrapbook also contains letters addressed to her as a resident of Lawrence Hall still in their envelopes, as well as holiday greeting cards (Christmas and Valentines Day), and short notes. The scrapbooks also includes housing receipts, class completion certifications, as well as letters of job offers from St. Paul Public Schools.

              Thompson, Ruth A.