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St. Cloud State
St. Cloud State University Archives and Special Collections
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92 [21C.2b]
Records of the University Photographer
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Carrossel de imagens
Men's tennis team, St. Cloud State University
Niaz Ahmed, St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud State women's basketball coach Lori Ulferts and others look on at the game action
St. Cloud State basketball player Celest Frank passes a ball during a game
Women's nordic ski team, St. Cloud State University
Celest Frank, St. Cloud State University
Elaine Davis, St. Cloud State University
Elaine Davis, St. Cloud State University
Mark Partridge, Kevin Hassett, and Joseph Newhouse stands with another man at the Winter Institute, St. Cloud State University
Joseph Newhouse speaks at the Winter Institute, St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud State president Roy Saigo speaks at the Winter Institute
Kevin Hassett speaks at the Winter Institute, St. Cloud State University
Jason Kron looks for the basketball during a basketball game against Morningside College, St. Cloud State University
Jason Kron holds the basketball during a basketball game against Morningside College, St. Cloud State University
Jason Kron dribbles a basketball during a basketball game against Morningside College, St. Cloud State University
Jason Kron dribbles a basketball during a basketball game against the University of North Dakota, St. Cloud State University
Jason Kron dunks a basketball during a basketball game against the University of North Dakota, St. Cloud State University
Jason Kron holds the basketball during a basketball game against the University of North Dakota, St. Cloud State University
Andy Gretz, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University
Fans during a hockey game against the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University
Fans during a hockey game against the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University
Kevin Schlagel at a press conference, St. Cloud State University
Jason Kron runs with a basketball during a basketball game, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the Michigan Tech University, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the Michigan Tech University, St. Cloud State University
Action during a hockey game against the Michigan Tech University, St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud State men's hockey team wins the WCHA Final Five tournament
St. Cloud State men's hockey team wins the WCHA Final Five tournament
Men's Hockey Team, St. Cloud State University
Miller Center (2000), interior, reading court, St. Cloud State University
Miller Center (2000), exterior, St. Cloud State University
Miller Center (2000), interior, St. Cloud State University
Miller Center (2000), interior, St. Cloud State University
Miller Center (2000), exterior, St. Cloud State University
Miller Center (2000), exterior, St. Cloud State University
Marjorie Fish, St. Cloud State University
Coach Craig Dahl and other coaches with the Broadmoor playoff tournament trophy, St. Cloud State University
Paula U'Ren during a softball game, St. Cloud State University
Brooke Gentzler during a softball game, St. Cloud State University
Brooke Gentzler hits a softball during a softball game, St. Cloud State University
Brooke Gentzler during a softball game, St. Cloud State University
University Ambassadors student group, St. Cloud State University
Paula U'Ren during a softball game, St. Cloud State University
Brooke Gentzler during a softball game, St. Cloud State University
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St. Cloud State University Archives and Special Collections
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92 [21C.2b]
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St. Cloud State University
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